I’m sorry my blog hasn’t been updated recently but as you can see from the photographs I have been having a very exciting time. I went down to the Horse of the Year Show with my friend Terry – he left me in the Hilton Hotel car park and has gone to be a driving pony- I spent 5 days in a stable inside the NEC and at night time in another stable with some very smart show jumpers – in between I went for walks and met all sorts of people and ponies- not much grass anywhere but I had lovely horsehage I don’t normally get that.
Now I am back at the Exmoor pony centre and you will be able to come and ride me there next year.
My friend Ganymede will be sending his information into the blog for a while.
Ganymede was bought at Brendon sales last year he was a bit pathetic looking and very small (he won’t say he’s pathetic looking) anyway he’s not anymore.