My name is cadbury and this blog is to tell you about me and my friends you will of course get some great pictures of exmooor ponies including a picture of bogbrush who fell down a well last weekend well that is if the firemen send it to me. What can i tell you about me... I am 2 years old and was born on exmoor my mother and father are both wild and i had a very happy first summer on the moor. I then was bought by the Moorland Mousie Trust and handled very very kindly after being branded and the end result is me -a nice friendly hairy pony currently in a field with Storm she is a girl and very bossy like most girls. I should be out on an enviromental grazing scheme eating rough grassland so that wildflowers can flourish next summer but i have got a lump on my fetlock so Im here in Northumberland getting hay everyday and generally being a bit pampered . There are an awful lot of friends in the north 52 to be precise and more down on Exmoor at the exmoor pony centre but we are pretty rare really and very special as you will find out soon.